bike bonus

TransitionSetupBOOM!  Here you have it, the bonus you were looking for!  Thanks so much for watching my live video!  When you pair the live video along with the bonus, you are putting yourself in prime position to become a better athlete.

The thing is, you still have to do the work.  There are no short cuts in triathlon, but with a little help and guidance, you can avoid so many mistakes that athletes (both new and seasoned) make.  This bonus was created to put you on a direct path for success in the sport.

Every bonus is designed to help you be a better athlete.  Over the course of my triathlon career, I’ve followed plans from a book, hired triathlon coaches, purchased online plans and listened to a variety of different people try to give me the secret to success.  The secret is:  there is NO SECRET!

Each and every bonus comes from a place of experience and knowing what it takes to be a successful triathlete.  I’ve done enough training to know what works and what does not.  While there is always a margin of error, throughout my triathlon and coaching career, I’ve helped hundreds of triathletes reach thousands of goals and personal bests in the swim, bike and run.

This bonus is just one more thing to put in your athlete tool box.  The best athletes will have a collection of different tips, guidelines, workouts, checklists, cheat sheets, tools….you name it!  By combining this bonus with some of the other great information you have collected, either through personal experience or through education and research, you will be able to achieve your best season ever!


You can click on the .PDF below to enlarge it and review! We hope you find value in this information. If you need more help with your triathlon training, contact Coach MJ

Train Right, Tri Right!

-Coach MJ