Solvang Training Camp- Day 4

Oh my gosh…I was in such a hurry to end that last post, I forgot one of the most exciting parts of the trip!!!! So we were at dinner, everyone was eating, chatting amongst themselves. Without a word, Robbie Ventura walks in the conference room with….FLOYD...

Trainer is bad for my wallet!

This week kicked off some mild base training. With that kick off, I’ve had to spend some time on the trainer. I’m not a big fan of the trainer. It’s pretty boring, but when you live in the midwest, road rides this time of year are hard to come by. I...

Labor Day Weekend

OK, so I’m a few days behind in posting! Sometimes this blog can feel like a JOB! Anyways, some friends and I had made plans to go up to Madison to do a long bike ride over the weekend. I had been looking forward to this weekend and ride for a couple of months!...

Ride to Red Rock

So after Steelhead, we had planned a quick getaway to Las Vegas. I’ve been to Las Vegas many times, but I’ve never really ventured off the strip very much. Over to the Hard Rock once, down to the Stratosphere once, but I’ve really spent most of my...