30 Minutes!

Dear Toe – please stop hurting now, it’s been too long! So I went for my first run in – um, I think about 10-12 weeks. It was a pleasant little run. Nice and slow, just about 25 minutes. I stopped and walked a couple times. Does the toe hurt? YES....

Hitting it in 2011!

So for the last 5 weeks or so, I’ve been sporting this lovely boot. Yes, I even took this boot to Mexico. I wore it while walking around, when going out to dinner and even while watching Ironman Cozumel. I’ve come to like the boot, however, I’ve...

Compression Tights

Yes, Peeps, you’ve heard me rave about the compression socks I invested in a couple of months ago. Well, now that the temperature has dropped below 32 degrees here in good ol’ Chicago, I’ve moved on to compression tights.   These are the CW-X...

20 at Chicago Marathon

Though the Chicago Marathon isn’t scheduled perfectly with the 20 mile run in my training program, I decided not to waste the opportunity to get in this long run because of its convenience. How many times can you do a fully-supported long training run with...

Never Say Never!

As I was swimming this morning, I realized that today was Super Bowl Sunday. I have very little interest in today’s game because I don’t really care for either of the teams, even though I know I will watch it. I started to think about the Super Bowl two...

Physical Therapy- Session I

Hold on people, relax!! I don’t have to stop running forever! I’ve been given orders to stop running just until we can review the results of my upcoming MRI. That will be next week. In the meantime, I’ve already been to a physical therapist so I can...