3 Minute Swim Coach

3 Minute Swim Coach

We are happy to announce a brand new offering here at Tri Right Coaching.  This is the “3 Minute Swim Coach.”  If you’ve ever spent any amount of time trying to improve your swim stroke, you know that it takes patience, effort and focus.  It is...

Swim A Poolooza

  100 x 100 x 100   Yep, I said it. 100 yards 100 times every 100 seconds. In other words hundred hundreds on the 1:40. It happens every year. It’s happening tomorrow. And I’m in. I’m always in. What better way to spend a Sunday morning? We...

Closing the Pool

Since June, I’ve had the opportunity to swim in an outdoor 50 meter pool on a daily basis. No, I don’t go to the pool every day, but 2 or 3 times a week, you’d have been able to find me and a few other lap swimmers at this outdoor pool in Palos. On...

50 x 100 x 100

For the sixth year in a row, I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to participate in the traditional 100 x 100 x 100 swim. (That’s doing 100 yards every 100 seconds 100 times.) This is the first year in all that time that I actually DID NOT do the whole...