Never before had I been so unprepared for a race. I was so exhausted from the time trial, I just fell asleep…only to wake up around 3:30am to quietly prepare for the Naperville Women’s Triathlon. I didn’t know what to expect, I pulled out my triathlon checklist and hoped I didn’t forget anything as I hurriedly collected all my things and threw them into my ratty triathlon bag.
The morning seemed calm and I met Liz just as I found a spot on my transition rack. She was smiling, but seemed quite nervous as this was her first triathlon. I knew she’d do fine and I tried to reassure her of that. She chatted on about her morning, her preparation for the race, and on and on and I knew she was just talking to keep her mind from thinking about the day ahead.
On the one hand, I love the fact that I know so many people who are racing this day. On the flip side, it’s a huge detriment because I can never get focused without someone coming up to say hi. I lose my concentration and catch up with whoever it is that I’m able to spend some time with this morning. I keep forgetting what I’m supposed to do.
The highlight of today is being a part of the Luna Chix. Several of us are out there today, ready to race, ready to cheer on our fellow racers, and all of us are out there to have fun. The more time I get to spend with this awesome group of women, the more I love them. They are just great people that have such passion and zest for life…and they truly represent what the Luna Chix are all about.
After about an hour rain delay, the race was started. I was chilled and shuddered to think how all my stuff in transition was now soaked. Who wants to run in soaking wet running shoes? UGH. I got up to the start in time to wish MC good luck…her first race in a very long time. She was relaxed and happy with a huge smile plastered on her face. I couldn’t help but smile myself just watching her.
Soon it was my turn and I gave the Saint my shoes and jacket and headed to the beach. There was some nervous chatter, but in previous years, many of these women have really beat me up at the beginning of this swim. This year, the swim was structured a little differently, giving us a wider area to start. I heard someone yell for me and I looked over to see Liz waving. It is so great to have teammate support!
The guy in front of us gives us a countdown and the picture to the left is the start. I had a great start and it really helped as I did not get too bumped around at the beginning. I did get hit several times by the woman on my right, but after about 100 yards, she dropped off.
I had a little “assistance” from the swim angels again this year. Fortunately, I took in a little less water from their “help.” I hate the turns in this swim, but I tried to keep a nice, strong pace throughout the swim. Not a stellar time, but not horrible either.
It’s a long run to the transition area in this race. I passed several women on the way to transition, but was also caught in a bottle neck for a few seconds where it’s too narrow to pass anyone. I easily found my bike and saw only one other woman at my rack. Swim was good, then! I struggled to get my socks on because they were wet and kept bunching up. I gotta learn to do this with no socks! I put my bike shoes on and had to run ever so slowly to the bike out. The asphalt here is always very slick. Add the rain and it was super slippery! I got on my bike and immediately became chilled. I hoped the sun would get strong in a hurry to warm things up. It felt like a slow start out of the downtown area. Lots of turns, lots of newbies not quite sure where they should be on the course. I would politely say “on your left” and most would move over, but some got a little nervous and weren’t sure what to do. Corners were tricky. I couldn’t trust that anyone would hold their line, so I braked a lot into the turns simply for safety. Plus, I don’t really trust myself on the wet pavement. Best to keep the rubber on the road! I didn’t notice how long it was taking me, but the ride seemed to go fast. When I got off my bike, I realized it was the slowest bike I’ve ever had on that course! YIKES!
I got back to transition – first bike back in on the rack…woo hoo! A very quick transition and I was running, but the legs felt heavy. I was passed by someone in my wave within the very first mile. Such a difference from last year. I noticed my first mile split and couldn’t believe how slow I was running. I tried not to be so hard on myself…I did just get back to running last month! It still didn’t feel very good. I tried to encourage the other athletes on as I passed. I’d get some words back from some, others probably just too winded to reply. This event is just one of those “feel good” races for most of the participants. Luckily, I was able to pick up my pace for the last couple miles. I don’t think I gave it my all, but I was still disappointed with my time.
It was still a great day and the race is just fun to do because it’s so close to home and such a short distance. It’s great to see so many first timers and the friends and family that come out to support them. The Luna Chix all hung around to watch AS collect her FIRST PLACE in AG award. I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this team.