When it’s time to sit down and put together your triathlon training plan running, cycling, and swimming are most likely the first things that come to mind. How much running, swimming, and cycling should you be doing from start to finish during your triathlon training? While running, swimming, and cycling are the primary components of a triathlon, to become the strongest triathlete possible, you need to include strength and other forms of training into your triathlon training plan. Adding rowing to your triathlon training is truly a game changer. Rowing will make you a stronger triathlete both physically and mentally.

Take a look at these top 5 reasons why rowing is beneficial for triathletes:

1. You Will Build Stronger Cardiovascular, Strength, and Muscle Endurance

Working out on a rowing machine packs a huge punch when added to your triathlon training schedule. Not only does using a rowing machine enhance cardio fitness but it increases muscle and cardiovascular endurance. Building muscle and increasing oxygen to your heart and lungs will make you into a much stronger and well-rounded athlete when it comes time for race day.

2. Rowing Helps Swimming Stamina Increase

Many triathletes attribute swimming stamina and strength to hours spent on the rowing machine. The latissimus muscles engaged from rowing allow you to swim without feeling exhausted. Rowers are near or at the very top of the spectrum of all endurance athletes. The more you row, the more you’ll notice your endurance building within all components of your training.

3. Rowing Is Great a Low-Impact Form of Endurance Training

Not everyday in triathlon training can be an “all out” training day. Some days are total rest days while other days require a lower impact form of training like rowing. By simulating a water rowing boat, the rowing machine works almost every muscle in your body while also engaging your heart and lungs, allowing you to build your stamina with cardio.

4. Rowing Can Help You Become More Mentally Strong

Let’s face it- A long workout on a rowing machine isn’t the most exciting form of triathlon training. However, once you perfect your rowing form and really learn how to power through your legs, you’ll learn truly how beneficial a rower can be when added to your triathlon training schedule. While the drive from rowing comes from powerful legs, your upper body and core are getting a workout as well. When you start to see results in your training, you’ll learn to appreciate the rower and become a more mentally strong athlete.

5. Rowing Builds Upper-Body and Core Strength

As mentioned above, a rowing workout packs a huge punch. With each and every rowing stroke you’re activating your lower body (like your quadriceps and glutes), upper body (like deltoids and lats), and core muscles (the coveted abdominal muscles) all at once. It truly is a total body workout that can act as an intense workout or a great low impact training day.

When you’re training for a triathlon, you have to think outside of the box when it comes to training sessions. Yes, cycling, running and swimming are important but there’s more to training if you want to become the strongest athlete you can be. Strength training is key during triathlon training. Utilizing a rowing machine doesn’t only give you a strength training component but it works your entire body and increases muscle and cardiovascular endurance.

Looking for more tips on how to improve your triathlon training program? Contact me today! 

Train Right, Tri Right!

Coach MJ