Obtaining a higher run speed during a triathlon takes work. It’s not something that happens overnight and certainly not something that has an exact training plan that promises a higher speed. Each triathlete has their own personal run speed goal they’re looking to hit and while there’s not a specific plan to follow to easily hit your run speed goal, there are ways to put in the work to get there.

Take a look at these top tips for building triathlon run speed:

1. Increase Mileage Throughout Training

As you progress through each week of triathlon training, try to increase your mileage. This will help your body slowly build endurance which will ultimately give your body what it needs to increase speed over time. More endurance means a stronger runner.  Be sure to include “off” weeks where you reduce mileage to you’re your body a chance to recover from the training stress.

2. Add Speed Workouts (Interval Training) to Your Running Regimen

While running during a triathlon requires you to maintain speed for a longer distance, adding short speed workouts will help your body gain speed through short bursts of energy which will essentially teach your legs how to move faster. Over time you can add longer distances to these short bursts. Interval training will allow your body to experience periods of high and low intensity to build speed and endurance which will benefit your speed in the long run.

3. Listen to Your Body

Training for any type of race can take a toll on your body. Whether you’re training for your first or tenth triathlon, listening to your body is incredibly important. Overworking or overtraining can result in injury. If you need to shorten your scheduled run or take a day or two off to recover, do it. Your body will thank you and next time you train you will be more rested and well prepared for your next training run.

4. Do More Strength Training

Competing in a triathlon is more than just running, swimming, and biking. It’s a challenge that requires work from every part of your body. During your triathlon training, make sure you are doing strength workouts to avoid injury and ultimately build more muscle. Strong muscle means the opportunity to run harder without overexerting tired legs. Not only will stronger muscles help you during your run, but it will overall make you a stronger athlete and triathlon competitor.

5. Work on Breathing Technique

As your running speed increases, your body may naturally want to breathe faster. While it does take some practicing, using both your nose and mouth to take full deep breaths will make a huge difference during runs. Keep your breaths consistent and smooth. It will keep you running quicker and longer without getting overtired. Perfecting a calmer breathing pattern in another technique that will benefit you in more ways than just running.

Building a faster run speed isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s a process that takes proper training and hard work. It’s important to remember that there isn’t one specific plan for everyone when it comes to increasing run speed. The most important aspects of increasing speed include ensuring your workout regimen is in line with your abilities and schedule, will help you achieve your target and customized to your strengths and weaknesses.

Need a triathlon coach to get you there? Contact me today for coaching support!

Train Right, Tri Right,

Coach MJ