Once you cross the finish line of your very first triathlon and the post-race major proud moment feeling kicks in, you might already be thinking “I want to do that again!”. While in that moment you might already be looking forward to your next race, it’s important to step back and consider the best time you should race again.

Taking a look at these 4 tips for planning your race schedule:

1. Set Race Season Goals

Before even looking at what races are planned for the upcoming year, look inward and decide what your personal race goals are for the season. Do you want to complete 2 races this season so you can focus on other goals, or are you up for more races?  Are you looking to PR a certain distance or are you looking to move up to a further distance?  Maybe you are looking to improve in one specific discipline of triathlon – how will you plan your training to accomplish that?

2. Take a Look at Possible Race Options

Now that you have an idea in your head on how many races you’re shooting for, start researching races. Whether you plan on staying somewhat local to your area or plan on traveling throughout the year, think about how the timing of each race fits within your schedule.  If you live in a cooler climate, an early season race (April/May) might not be the best due to the lack of open water swimming practice options at that time of year.  How is your work/family schedule at that time of year?  Will you be able to put in the hours necessary leading up to the race and be sure to have that weekend free to get away?

3. Plan Effective Training Cycles

Once you have your races selected, it’s time to plan for training. This is where it’s incredibly helpful to have a knowledgeable triathlon coach by your side. A coach is going to be able to look at your race schedule and put together the best and most effective training cycles for your race season.  While you can do many races if you choose, not all of them can be your “A” race.  It’s important to start with the end in mind.  Once you select your race and your specific goal for that race, then it’s time to work backwards in creating an effective training plan.

4. Plan for Recovery Time

While it’s exciting to cross as many finish lines as possible during the race season window, it’s also important to plan time for rest and recovery. When you’re allowing your body to rest and recover from a hard-working training cycle, you’re preparing physically and mentally to come back stronger for your next race.

Implementing these 4 tips will allow you to have the best race schedule possible, while also allowing proper time for rest and recovery. If you are someone who wants to race numerous times during race season, it truly does make a huge difference having an experienced triathlon coach by your side.  A coach possesses a wealth of knowledge when it comes to balancing training effectively while allowing the proper time for recovery and can customize a training plan specifically for you to achieve your desired goals.

Looking for some help in scheduling your race schedule this year? Contact me today to set up a free coaching consultation!

Train Right, Tri Right!

Coach MJ