How to Find the Right Goggles

How to Find the Right Goggles

Finding the right pair of goggles is critical to your triathlon success.  If they are uncomfortable, leak or you just can’t see properly, those things will all compromise your swim on race day.  Thankfully, the cost of goggles is pretty minimal compared to...
How to Build Swim Speed

How to Build Swim Speed

Thousands of yards and hours of time put in, but yet you still can’t seem to improve your swim time.  It can be very frustrating to work so hard at something and have very little to show for it.  Here you will find the “secret sauce” on how to build your...

How to Participate in Triathlon on a Budget

Triathlon is an expensive sport. According to a 2014 study conducted by USA Triathlon, the average annual amount spent per triathlon (if you need to purchase a bike) is $4,000.  The breakdown of those costs include: $2,798 spent on bikes and bike equipment $564 spent...
Why Triathletes Should Join a Masters Swim Team

Why Triathletes Should Join a Masters Swim Team

Don’t let the name fool you. All the members of a Masters swim team are not “masters” at the sport, they are simply just over the age of 18. But just because you’re swimming as part of your triathlon, should you be joining such a team? The team will benefit you as...