Race season is over. You’ve taken your victory lap and now you’re wondering what to do next. After you’ve crossed the finish line, it’s important to have somewhat of a plan for the off season. You’ve put in so much physical and mental work during triathlon training season that totally hitting the brakes on training will have you less prepared for next season.

Take a look at these 5 areas to focus on during off season:

1. Rest

As with rest days during triathlon season, incorporating rest into the postseason can provide great benefits for your body’s recovery. You’ve worked hard during triathlon training season, you completed your race, and now it’s time for you to take some time to rest and recover. While rest is important for your body, it’s important to know how much rest you need, and try to not take too much. 

2. Strength Train

The off season can be a weird time for triathletes. Athletes love the structure of a training plan. However, a break from swimming, biking, and running for a couple of months can be very freeing and help to reignite the base training phase of a triathlon training program. Use this time to allow yourself to be a bit more fluid with your plan and try new routines and workouts with the knowledge that the pressure is off. By boosting strength training and addressing specific muscle weaknesses and imbalances, athletes can improve exercise economy and build tendon, ligament, and bone durability which will help prevent any future injury. 

3. Work on Mental Strength

As with physically training for a race, having a lull in training may make you feel mentally “off”. Throughout the triathlon training season your mind is focused and going through the motions each day on a training schedule. When you don’t have a training plan, you may feel mentally lost. It’s important to use this time off of a strict training plan to mentally become stronger in the off season. Use the off-season to review your performance from the previous race season and set goals for the next season. Actively working on your confidence and mental stamina will help you have an even better next race season.

4. Prepare for Next Race Season

Speaking of the next race season, why not use the off season to plan ahead for next race season? Not only can you mentally train for the season ahead by reflecting on last race season and planning for the next race season but you can physically make moves to have the best triathlon ahead of you. Hiring a trusted triathlon training coach can be a game changer.

5. Work on Your Weakness

Every athlete has a weakness. Whether you find your weakness in running, cycling, or swimming, pinpointing your weakness and working on it during off season is a great idea. Taking your weakest area and working on it during the off season can help make your races next season strong than ever.

As with the typical training season, it’s important to balance the off season. Use this time to mentally and physically rest but balance that rest time out with keeping up physical and mental training. Throw some new type of exercising in your training like HIIT. Mixing up your normal workout routine will keep your body strong and mentally help you engage without following a strict triathlon training schedule. 

Want to physically and mentally plan for the best possible race season ahead? Contact me today to set up a free coaching consultation!

Train Right, Tri Right!

Coach MJ